4201 S. Oxbow Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Excellent Seminar For:
Massage Therapists, Athletic Trainers & Personal Trainers
8 CEU's with certificate
Sioux Falls Therapeutic Massage & Education Center
4201 S. Oxbow Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Advanced Muscular Therapy
for the Torso– Full Spine, Ribs & Related Muscles
Course Objective -- Improve strength and flexibility of the torso along with better breathing.
This continuing education seminar will include:
1) Review of the muscles and bones the torso
(it is always good to review some of this prior to the seminar)
2) Understanding problems that our clients have in these areas such as---
Poor Posture, Swayback, Lordosis, Kyphosis,
Scoliosis, Back Pain, Breathing Difficulties,
3) Things you will learn to help your skills in working these areas---
How to identify & locate the specific muscles involved
Basic Swedish Massage Techniques
Passive Positioning
Muscle Energy Techniques
Stretching-(passive & active)
Stretch with Deep Gliding
Homework for the client
Schedule For The Day
8:30 - 9:00 am Registration
9:00 - 1:00 Introductions & Posterior Work
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch Break
2:00 - 6:00 Anterior Work
Review & Conclusion
There will be time for discussions and questions.
8 CEU's with certificate
Come prepared for hands-on practice with fellow therapists. Let me know if you can bring a table and I will confirm enough for the seminar. Bring your own holster with lotions and/or oils that you would like to use. You will be excited to get back to work and apply the things you learn in your practice with your clients. You will not be disappointed
Donald R. Spade
Licensed Massage Therapist -- over 20 years experience
Owner / Administrator / Instructor
Sioux Falls Therapeutic Massage & Education Center
4201 S. Oxbow Ave. -- Sioux Falls, SD 57106 -- 605-328-1612
Available to conduct massage seminars in: South Dakota, North Dakota,
Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska
“Don was an encyclopedia of bodywork and modality information. I loved having him as my teacher. We would stay longer to listen and learn and then apply. He has continued to assist me through my years of having my own business, I have worked along side him at events and charitable events. He loves what he does and he loves to share his gift. I highly recommend Don Spade.” March 7, 2009
"The Best Education is in the Hands of the Best Instructors--Experience Counts"
Thanks for coming
"The Best Education is in the Hands of the Best Instructors--Experience Counts"
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4201 S. Oxbow Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57106